Supporting the presence of the Christian communities in the Holy Land, promoting peace, and raising awareness.
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In times of crisis and violence, a Christ-like response is paramount. Christians in the Holy Land are the hands and feet of Christ, promoting peace, courage, and love.
Support them today!
The continued emigration of Holy Land Christians as a result of ongoing instability is having a negative impact on their presence in the land where Jesus was born, crucified and resurrected. Should this trend continue in the most sacred and spiritual destinations of all lands, which is shared by billions throughout the world, the Holy Land could end up being nothing more than a museum, as the real “living stones” who embody Christ’s work and their presence in the Holy Land cease to exist.
About us
Why we work
Who we are
Founded in 2002, the Holy Land Christians Society (HLCS) is a registered 501c (3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the diminishing Christian community and their institutions in the Holy Lands.
The Holy Land is well known as the home of the sacred sites of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Since the time of Christ, it also has been home to a continuous, historic population of Christians.
Historically, this Christian population has persisted as a stable minority, comprising around 12% of the total population. In the last one hundred years, this population has been reduced dramatically. Many historical Christian communities have shrunk to unprecedented levels, while others have disappeared entirely.
Today, Christians in the Holy Lands account for less than 1% of the population.
At HLCS, we are deeply saddened by the prospect that the birthplace of the Church may soon be virtually free of a native population of Christ-followers.
Holy Land Christians need the support of the Body of Christ.
We believe that the historic church and its people should continue to exist and thrive in the holiest of lands today. And we believe that the global body of Christ needs to support the local church throughout the Holy Land.
Our goal is to connect the local Holy Land churches with members of the global church who share the same goal - the flourishing of the historic Christian communities in the Holy Land.
What we do
Our mission is to partner with the historic Christian communities of the Holy Land through education, economic development, community support and advocacy.
We work closely with local organizations to support them in realizing their vision for their own communities:
From supplying classrooms to funding student scholarships,
From building greenhouses to playgrounds,
From funding community health programs to orphanages,
We at HLCS focus on strengthening the on-going work of the Holy Land Christians while addressing their alarmingly diminishing rate.
22 years
Partnered with over 30 institutions and organizations
Over 4 million USD raised
The impact of HLCS over 22 years
Schools and educational programs, and orphanages
Medical facilities, supplies, trainings
Scholarships and higher learning opportunities
Economic initiatives
In 2023 alone
16 grants to 12 organizations
1.2 million USD raised
“My most memorable experience while visiting the Holy Land was holding two infants in the Creche orphanage in Bethlehem. One was found abandoned at the side of the road and the other in a milk crate with rags wrapped around him. Both were thriving under the care of Sister Sophie and her devoted caregivers. No greater example of Christ’s mission of love could be seen anywhere.”
— Mary Kay Turner
Please donate
We invite you to join our mission through prayer, engaging others or making a donation.
For questions or additional information, please email us at info@holylandchristians.org.